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Reality of modern slavery

Season 3 episode 5,

Let's get into this...


Georgia is an anti-trafficking response co-ordinator in the Salvation Army.

It involves supervising and supporting the volunteers that help trafficking victims and raising awareness.

Modern slavery is the illegal exploiting of people for profit- usually involves deceiving and work/sexual exploitation.

People smuggling vs human trafficking:

People smuggling - when an individual has moved across international borders by choice, and are free to make their own choices once they have reached their destination.

Human trafficking- is when individuals are moved not by their choice and tricked into or coerced into travelling with the traffickers

The most common in the UK is labour exploitation - farms, building sites and restaurants

Exploiters will target the vulnerable, people in debt, have mental health issues etc and move in and groom people, people get tricked by simple requests ie. Agreeing to do a driving job overseas etc and then get trapped

Freedom is possible! When they get the support and get out of those situations, freedom and life afterwards is possible!

Signs to look out for:

Untreated injury’s


Someone else paying for their travel

Someone speaking for them

Not carrying their own Id

Not knowing their own address

3 things we learnt:

Organ harvesting - someone has been trafficked for the purpose of taking their organs for someone else :(

Upwards of 100,000 people trapped in slavery conditions in the UK right now :((

Volunteers are the main backbone of helping these victims int he first stage of freedom.

The helpline number:


The challenge:

Next time you’re shopping, when you are picking something off the shelf (food or clothes) ask your self, “could I be making a better choice?”

Is the product ethical? Am I supporting modern slavery with this purchase? If something seems really cheap. To what cost is that for?

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