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We chat about your 20's dilemmas

Season 3 episode 3,

Lets get into this...


Asking for a pay rise:

People don’t talk openly about pay so it’s hard to understand what you should be earning etc.

It’s hard in charity work because they usually are limited for money anyway. It’s easy to feel more guilty asking for a pay rise

Graces advice: put on those brave faces and back yourself with details on why you deserve a pay rise.


Often we need/want positive affirmation in a new role to know that we are doing a job, which breeds confidence and helps you do better at your job. Without it we start to doubt ourselves- maybe ask your manager for feedback, or communicate that affirmation is helpful for you to succeed at your job!

There’s no pressure to have your dream job as a graduate! You could go back to study at any point, change career at any point. Try things out. When you don’t know, make a mindmap with things you enjoy and hobbies and see if there’s jobs in those areas and work your way up.


They change when people move, get different jobs and get into relationships, and there is a sense of grieving when those friendships change. But it’s natural and sometimes you have to focus on which friendships you want to maintain


If you can save then do! It’s a good practice to get under your belt and means you’re ready for the rainy days or to treat yourself when you need it! If you find it hard, try £5 a month to start!

3 things we learnt:

When people get into relationships- you have to acknowledge that 'their' person will become their boyfriend/girlfriend. They might be your first port of call but you might not be there’s, and that’s okay, it’s just a natural dynamic change. Once you accept that and not get jealous over it your friendship can still grow.

Imposter syndrome is when you feel inadequate or unequipped to do the task or job (usually when you are definitely qualified and capable of the task at hand).

Be open to conversations with different people, the amount of things that open up from advice from strangers or connections through colleagues - it’s all about networking and who you know.


Start saving - put £5 every 2 weeks in to your savings

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